
Showing posts from October, 2017

Achieve Daily Balance

1. Get better. There are always new and different ways we can improve our way of living. Life is just one long progression, right? The key is to keep progressing positively. Do some digging and research fresh ways to enhance your life. Bookmark or RSS all of your favorite sites, and make time each week to read the latest on living well. A quick and easy change you can make right now is to focus on living moderately. Practice planning ahead in all areas of your day-to-day life. Pack a full water bottle before going out for three hours. Get better at pre-planning for future expenses. When we avoid unnecessary extremes and learn to anticipate what the situation or our bodies will call for, that’s a huge part of balanced living. 2. Explore   what makes you passionate. If you’re reading this, chances are you have a passion, maybe many. It’s easy to forget that lots and lots of people walk around without any sense of purpose or direction in their lives. And they ...

The 7 Chakras

Let’s start with a brief definition.  What is a chakra ? A chakra (pronounced “cha”-“kra” with a resounding “ch”) is a center of energy. Originating from Sanskrit, it literally means “wheel” by association with its function as a vortex of spinning energy interacting with various physiological and neurological systems in the body.  Chakras  are energy centers within the human body that help to regulate all its processes, from organ function to to the immune system and emotions. We can commonly count  7 chakras  positioned throughout your body, from the base of your spine to the crown of your head. Each chakra has its own vibrational frequency, that is depicted through a specific chakra color, and governs specific functions that help make you, well, human. - What are the chakra colors? The chakra colors are typically broken down into seven and follow the order of the color of the rainbow, from red to purple and white. These colors reflect the different fr...

Spiritual Significance of Samhain (Halloween)

In mid-autumn the old is dying & everything is turning inward as the new prepares to be reborn.  We begin to think & dream about new beginnings & what the new year will bring. But before we can enjoy new beginnings in our life we need to contemplate what needs to “die” within ourselves in order to welcome the new life that will grow into next year’s harvests.  We start to turn inward before we’re “reborn” at the winter solstice. This is a time to open yourself to your inner voice, your intuitive power.   This is a powerful time for magic & manifesting. We all know Halloween as the time of year where costumes and candy reign supreme. This spooky holiday allows both children and adults alike the opportunity to channel their inner spirit for tricks or treats, but what many are unaware of is that this holiday is Pagan in origin and is a special time to celebrate the souls of our dearly departed, as the veil between this world and the next beco...

Aura Reading

Interpreting The Energy Field Of Life Aura: au|ra - A particular atmosphere or quality that seems to surround a person or thing. From Webster's New World Dictionary (3rd College Edition)     Aura Interpretations There are 4 facets to perceiving and interpreting the energy of the aura. Layers are determined by color variations. Within the color, the shape, consistency and clarity all determine the meaning of that layer.   Is the yellow you perceive around the head bright like the sun or dingy and faded? Is the green just an oblong ball around the elbow or is it around the whole body? Does the red appear as a spike flashing across the torso or is it consistently present around the head?   These examples will be further detailed, but you can see the many factors that determine the meaning of what you see. It's important to be as precise as you possibly can during a reading, whither it is for yourself or for someone else. The more you practice your second sight, the m...

Candle Magic Really Works

Since time immemorial, we all have been practicing and exposed to witchcraft! Remember blowing your candle out on your birthday and making a wish? That, my friend, is candle magick. My name is Kabir and I have been doing candle magick for the last 20 years, as I focus on result-oriented remedies. Candle magick is intention based and each candle is customized specifically for you and your unique situation. I insist on working with faith and not fear, which is called “Kabir’s Law”. These are mostly 7-day candles that are anointed with special oils, magical herbs, spiritual prayers aka “spells” and positive intentions. Candles amplify positivity manifold, remove blockages, negativity, and opens our roads for success in love, protection from witchcraft, marriage, divorce, children, court cases, gainful employment, travel, visas, etc. The basic principles are to concentrate, visualize and focus (use the Law of Attraction) on the candle as a symbol. Candle magick can be used for ove...

How Does Candle Magic Work?

Believing in the power of magic does not mean that casting a spell will instantly solve all your problems and attract all your desires. Candle magick works in a way that is very intuition based, amplifying your subconscious wants/needs to aid in your spiritual manifestation.  Candle magick truly does work & and it can change your life, only if you believe it can. The power of choice lays within you and you must understand that candle magick is a way to "engage" the power of your mind, spirit, soul and subconscious. When you manifest, not only does it invoke the power of positive thinking in your mind, but it creates subconscious drive to help you achieve what you want. Yes, there are mystical forces at work in the universe that can help you get results you want; but the most power lays within you. This phenomenon is also more commonly known as the Law of Attraction, using your energy to attract what you want in your life and allow positive things to c...

Tarot Cards, Zodiac & Planets

  The Fool – The Fool is related to planet Neptune . A number of experts, however, claim that this tarot card is somewhat more akin to Uranus. Our firm belief is that Neptune is indeed the planet responsible for the energies that this card represent, that is, different energies related to visions, subconscious urges and oddity.   The Magician is a card of Mercury , planet that brings communication, promotes the intellectual processes, helps knowledge acquisition, and deals with information in general.   The High Priestess is related to the Moon . This means that here we deal with secrecy, intuition, inner strength, and subconscious streams and activities.   The Empress is a tarot card of Venus , related to the primal female energy (anima), fertility, beauty, luxury, and gain.   The Emperor tarot card is related to the astrological sign of Aries . It speaks of strength, male energy, ambition, activit...

2 of Cups in Tarot

When throwing Tarot cards for a relationship/love spread, the 2 of Cups is the best card that could possibly  show up in the deck. The Two of Cups shows the beauty and power that is created when two become one. The card reflects balance, mutual respect and harmony in relations with one another. There is no ‘I’, just ‘we’, and both parties are focused on a mutually beneficial outcome or win-win situation. The Two of Cups typically points towards a relationship that is based on mutual attraction and romantic inclinations. It reflects the clear, nurturing, supportive and heartfelt exchange of emotions that is the gift of a romantic relationship. The Two of Cups represents love that is nurturing, creative, clearly focused, inspirational and equally fulfilling. In a reading, this is often a beautiful start to a new romance in which you will experience understanding, harmony and deep love between two souls. The seed has blossomed into a tree of appreciation. Kindness and thoughtfu...

What is Clairvoyance?

What is Clairvoyance? Clairvoyance is derived from two French words, which means “Clear Seeing”. Clairvoyance is considered as one of the forms of  Extra Sensory Perception  (ESP) – an ability to perceive things without using normal five senses; a person who has or exhibits clairvoyance is known as Clairvoyant. Is Clairvoyance Possible? Like any other psychic ability, everyone is born with the gift of clairvoyance. Everyone has the potential to be clairvoyant, even those who limit themselves. There are many people, if they can recall their childhood, may find that they were more imaginative and clairvoyant at that time. They might even have an imaginary friend to talk to and might even seen strange things happening around them. But as they grow up, they forget all these things and may even their clairvoyance abilities are suppressed. If you do not had these experiences in your childhood, it does not mean that you don’t have this ability. Not everyone could remember ...

Intro to Essential Oils

What is the hype over essential oils? How come everyone is talking about them and do they even work? Essential oils are a concentrated extract version of the natural oils that already exists within plants.  These oils are extracted from plants via distillation. Distillation is most commonly done by steam or water, where many parts of the plants are being used, including the plant roots, leaves, stems, flowers, or bark. The therapeutic quality of essential oils has recently been discovered in the Western world and commodified to be marketable as people have just now discovered the positive outcome of essential oil use. Essential oils have been used throughout history in many cultures for their medicinal and therapeutic benefits. While the oils are still in the plant, they  provide the plants with protection against predators and disease, and also play a role in plant pollination . As these properties carry forward into the essential oils, folk medicine since ancient time...

Tuning into Intuition

When reflecting upon our actions or interactions, it is easy to regret  what  we said or how we acted. The most underrated gift all humans have is the gift of intuition. The term "gut feeling" exists because that first  instinctual reaction we feel is the most powerful. We inhibit ourselves from tapping into our natural intuitive gift because we are our own worst enemy and repress our beliefs and tell ourselves that our immediate reaction is too "impulsive." There is no correct way to be more intuitive other than to listen to yourself.  Yet still there are simple steps that can guide ANYONE to open up, manifest and harness more intuition in life. But why should anyone become more intuitive? Here are some kickers as to why intuition is a fantastic gift and ally to have and how to tune into your intuitive abilities: 1.  Pattern Breaking: A very interesting and fun way of prepping yourself to be more intuitive is break...

Diwali Mantra

Diwali Mantra & Translation: Recite the following Vedic chant/prayer in Sanskrit and/or in English: Om Asato Ma Sad Gamaya Tamaso Ma Jyotir Gamaya Mrityor Ma Amritam Gamaya Om Shanti Shanti Shanti Lead us from untruth to truth From darkness to light From death to immortality Om Peace Peace Peace

Lamp Lighting During Diwali

Why Do Hindus Light Lamps During Diwali? By:   Sanchita Chowdhury Diwali is a very popular Hindu festival. It is one of the most important Indian festivals which is either celebrated in the month of October or November. Diwali literally means 'row of lamps'. So, it is understandable that lamps play the most important role in this festival. On Diwali, each house is lit up with oil lamps, candles and colourful electric lights.  Traditionally, the earthen lamps with cotton wicks were lit in most of the houses. However with the changing modern times, earthen lamps have been replaced by candles in many of the houses. Yet, the concept of the festival of lights remains unchanged. Has it ever occurred to you that why Hindus light lamps during Diwali? Let us find out. In Northern part of India, the famous tale goes that it was this time when Lord Ram returned to Ayodhya after his 14 years of exile with his wife and brother. The people lit lamps to celebrate the return of...

Friday the 13th

People have always said that Friday the 13th is unlucky, but where did this superstition originate from? Let's break it down to extract a deeper understanding of Friday the 13th based on numerology and astrology. Each day of the week has different meaning and significance on a level beyond our comprehension; frequencies speak in a language we cannot always understand or dissect. Specific days of the week are ruled by their planetary transits, which is astrology based. That being said, the vibes you give off or the mood you are in is also impactful. Each day implies new meanings and beginnings and the frequencies beneath the surface of each day act as a silent undercurrent that shifts on a daily basis. There are more powers at work in the universe that we will ever be able to comprehend. On average, the 13th day of the month falls in the middle of the lunar cycle. On a deeper and more spiritual level, this represents the midway point between death and rebirth. The midway point...

National Coming Out Day

Hi, my name is Kabir & I am a spiritual advisor, healer, vedic astrologer, tarot card reader, life coach & much more. However, the most important part of my identity is that I am a single & gay father to my beautiful daughter; the title of "good dad" is one thing no one can EVER take away from me. I fit into the category of "minority" on many levels & that is truly what sets me apart at the end of the day. I have learned to love myself. Accepting your sexuality is an act of empowerment for yourself & for those around you. The honest you is the best you. People are seething with inward wrath because they are unable to accept themselves. The ego & anger are two vices that control us all. What makes us angry is that we don't accept who we are, leaving us spontaneously combustable & our ego in an exposed, vulnerable state. Today, National Coming Out Day, is so important in extinguishing the inner hell that is self-inflicted and a...