Friday the 13th

People have always said that Friday the 13th is unlucky, but where did this superstition originate from? Let's break it down to extract a deeper understanding of Friday the 13th based on numerology and astrology.

Each day of the week has different meaning and significance on a level beyond our comprehension; frequencies speak in a language we cannot always understand or dissect. Specific days of the week are ruled by their planetary transits, which is astrology based. That being said, the vibes you give off or the mood you are in is also impactful. Each day implies new meanings and beginnings and the frequencies beneath the surface of each day act as a silent undercurrent that shifts on a daily basis. There are more powers at work in the universe that we will ever be able to comprehend.

On average, the 13th day of the month falls in the middle of the lunar cycle. On a deeper and more spiritual level, this represents the midway point between death and rebirth. The midway point between the New Moon, where a woman is shedding (the death) and the Full Moon, where the woman is ovulating (rebirth). This is also why there is a tremendous amount of feminine energy associated with Friday, as it is also the day of the week associated with Venus. Venus is the planet of love and creativity, making it ideal to connect with others and relax.

Fun fact: Did you know, there are 13 moon cycles every year?

Friday the 13th has been held in high regards by women and the pagan community; many rituals and spells are often performed on this day in order to make the most of this energy as well. This spiritual power has also helped to contribute to the fear surrounding Friday the 13th, as it is an important day for many who worship the cycles of nature, better referred to as "witchcraft."
We all have feminine energy in us, it is just more likely to be amplified on Friday the 13th. It is a day for us to honor our abilities as well as create and receive energy from and through difference channels in the world around us.
Friday the 13th is not an unlucky day. The mere hype of the superstition is what has carried it forward and allowed it to manifest fear within people. Friday the 13th is the day of the Goddess and is a beautiful day for creating and celebrating life. It is an opportune day for getting in tune with your emotions and sensitivities while also giving thanks to the Goddess within us all.
Everything is intention based! Harness the spiritual power of Friday the 13th and trust that the inner-workings of the universe will carry you forward. 


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